You can also read an updated summary-report of the status of my research. (as of March 2016).
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Some older updates:
As of August 2015, I am about half way through the dissertation process. I have gathered an enormous amount of data by having followed the making of Gooseberry by Blender Institute, and Morevna by the Synfig community.
Now I have written a rough, unpolished draft of the dissertation.
You can download it and read it here.
It includes and Introduction, some historical and theoretical discussions about the history of computer graphics and CG software. Finally, it has a method chapter that describes in (perhaps too much detail) my participation and observation of Gooseberry and Morevna.
My findings are to be found not in this document, but in several articles – one that has been published (on making value through commons), one that is under rewriting (On the organisation of work in such projects), one that is to be written this fall (on the creative autonomy that free software tools give), and one on the ambiguities of sharing practices (that is to be written early next year).
I especially appreciate any comments and contributions around the history of computer graphics development, and the developments and key turmoils in the sector in the late 1980, and during 1990s. If you want to comment, please do it either here or by emailing me (see Contact).
Dear Julia Velkova,
I’m still reading your draft.
You should change the copyright notice on your first picture, because it’s incorrect. “Elephant’s Dream by the Blender Institute. ©Blender Institute” on page seven. The picture has a copyleft license, not a copyright one. Also the movie was done by the Blender Community, not by the Blender Institute alone.
Thank you,